Uniform Guidance

The Office of Management and Budget has combined many federal circulars, including A21 and A110, into a single guidance document that can be used by all agencies. The combined document, called “Uniform Guidance," can be viewed at Uniform Guidance. Federal agencies are currently developing their implementation plans under this guidance We expect to have those available to us in the fall with the exception of NSF, which should be available very soon. These new regulations are set to become effective on December 26, 2014 It is anticipated that it will apply for any awards issued following that date Some processes, procedures, and policies at Emory will require updating based upon these changes. Additional information will be provided as we learn more about this new guidance.

Tell us what you think. Submit Comments & Questions Here!

The Uniform Guidance is broken down into its following subparts. Each part can be viewed at:

Watch the videos below to learn more about Uniform Guidance.

Uniform Guidance Implementation

Internal Controls from Uniform Guidance COFAR

Procurement Standards from Uniform Guidance COFAR

Single Audit Reporting from Uniform Guidance COFAR

Administrative Flexibilities and Performance from Uniform Guidance COFAR

Indirect Cost Rates for Subrecipients: Uniform Guidance COFAR

The New Guidance Considerations (NCURA)

Omni Circular Observations - Part 1 (NCURA)

Omni Circular Observations - Part 2 (NCURA)

Omni Circular Observations - Part 3 (NCURA)


To ensure that Uniform Guidance is implemented at Emory University in an organized and thorough manner.


Teams will be responsible for evaluating the impact of proposed changes resulting from implementation of Uniform Guidance and developing plans to address impacts, as needed. They will also be responsible for the identification of impacted University policies and drafting necessary revisions of those as well as proposing a communication plan for their assigned areas.

UGEP Steering Committee

Holly Sommers, Kathleen Bienkowski, Martha Walsh, Dean Surbey, Sharen Olson, Patricia Bauer, Diana Carter, John Work

Working Groups

  • UGEP- Procurement
    • Holly Sommers, Loette King, Wade Sanner, Evelyn Balabis, Nancy Jenkins, Rhonda Burke
  • UGEP – Post Award (includes Direct Costs, Closeouts, etc.)
    • Evelyn Balabis,Holly Sommers,Yoko Hammond, Tamara Hill, Rick Roberts, Francine Davis,
  • UGEP – Costing (includes DS2, Fringe Benefits, F&A, etc.)
    • Josh Rosenberg, Holly Sommers, James Goff, Renee Corsello
  • UGEP – PreAward (other than subrecipient monitoring)
    • Holly Sommers, Nikki Simmons, Diane Samuels, Maggie Hassan, Julianne Autrey, Ruthanne Porreca
  • UGEP – Subawards and Subrecipient Monitoring
    • Holly Sommers, Nikki Simmons, Evelyn Balabis,Diana Carter, Maggie Hassan
  • UGEP – Effort Reporting
    • Josh Rosenberg, James Goff, Rubena Bedi, Bill Lambert, Diana Carter, Roman Damena, Rick Roberts
  • UGEP – Equipment
    • Josh Rosenberg, Renee Corsello, Diana Carter, Fred Harroway, Loette King, Wade Sanner
  • UGEP – Communication and Education
    • Holly Sommers, Demetrice Bryant, Debbie Longo, Todd Polley, Melanie Lawrence, Diana Carter
  • Faculty Reviewers (for communications)
    • Carla Berg, Michael Goodman

Tentative Plan/Timeline

  • July
    • Invitations sent to Steering committee
    • Bring Steering Committee together
  • August
    • Roles and Responsibilities documents prepared (to be provided at initial meetings)
    • Draft/Send notifications/invites to teams for first meeting
    • Meetings scheduled for teams/Bring all Teams together for initial introduction meetings
    • Set up monthly meetings for Steering Committee for October through January with an additional meeting in March
    • Set up biweekly meetings for October through January for all teams with monthly meetings in February and March (will be canceled if not needed)
    • UG Communication Website goes live (will be maintained and updated as additional information becomes available)
  • September/October
    • Expecting further clarification from OMB to start discussions/plans.

Primary Point of Contact

Holly Sommers, Assistant Vice President for Research

hsomme2@emory.edu, phone 404-727-2507