Newcomers Guide

New to Research Administration at Emory?

There are many resources available to those involved in Research Administration at Emory. Below are some of the items you should be familiar with as you begin to work in this area.

What you need to know

You should start by reviewing the topics covered in these areas.

Who you need to know

The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for preaward functions and the Office of Grants and Contracts is responsible for post award/financial administration. Their websites and contact information can be accessed from the links below.

Below is a link to the other central offices involved in Research Administration at Emory.

The resources you will need

Compliance concerns

How you keep up to date on issues related to Research Administration

For those involved in Research Administration at Emory, it is important to read the monthly newsletter "Research Administration at Emory". It is also important to subscribe to the Emory Research Administration Listserv. You will receive announcements when each newsletter is available and notifications regarding other important issues related to Research Administration. Links to past issues of the newsletter and instructions on how to subscribe to the listserv are provided below.

What's Next

A variety of training opportunities are available. The newsletter is a good source of information about upcoming training. Some information can also be accessed from OSP Learning Opportunities.

If the training you need is not scheduled, please contact OSP or OGCA for further guidance.