Other Schools Listing
School: Department | OSP Grants | OSP Contracts, Industry Analyst | OSP Contracts, Non-Industry Analyst |
Other: Goizueta Business School | Rachel Gelman 404-544-9016 rhgelma@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Harold Lewis |
Other: Campus Life | Artis Hill 7-2508 artis.hill@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Tina Stovall-Goolsby 7-2987 estova2@emory.edu |
Other: Candler School of Theology | Rachel Gelman 404-544-9016 rhgelma@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Tina Stovall-Goolsby 7-2987 estova2@emory.edu |
Other: Carlos Museum | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Tina Stovall-Goolsby 7-2987 estova2@emory.edu |
Other: EVPA (Provost) | Joy Floyd 2-1330 asfloyd@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Harold Lewis 7-2084 harold.lewis2@emory.edu |
Other: EVP Health Sciences/Health Affairs | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Harold Lewis 7-2084 harold.lewis2@emory.edu |
Other: Information Technology | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Gwen Moffet-White 7-0345 gmoffe2@emory.edu |
Other: Laney Graduate School | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Tina Stovall-Goolsby 7-2987 estova2@emory.edu |
Other: Law School | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Austin Apsley 7-8038 aapsley@emory.edu |
Other: Office Of International Affairs | Artis Hill 7-2508 artis.hill@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Harold Lewis 7-2084 harold.lewis2@emory.edu |
Other: Oxford College | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Harold Lewis 7-2084 harold.lewis2@emory.edu |
Other: President's Office | Artis Hill 7-2508 artis.hill@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Kanika Moss 7-1051 kanika.moss@emory.edu |
Other: Police Department | Artis Hill 7-2508 artis.hill@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | NanaYaa Pobee 404-544-9062 nana.yaa.pobee@emory.edu |
Other: University Libraries | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Jane O'Connor 813-460-7673 joconno@emory.edu | Gwen Moffet-White |
Other: Ethics Center | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Mekia Hardy | Tina Stovall-Goolsby |
Other: Off Univ Chaplain | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu | Mekia Hardy 7-2341 mdhardy@emory.edu | Gwen Moffet-White |
Other: Sustainability | Artis Hill 7-2508 artis.hill@emory.edu | Mekia Hardy 7-2341 mdhardy@emory.edu | Harold Lewis |
Other: ACTSI | Barry Prine | Mekia Hardy 7-2341 mdhardy@emory.edu | Harold Lewis |
Other: Science Gallery Atlanta | Claire Mancebo 404-217-5016 claire.pearce@emory.edu | Mekia Hardy 7-2341 mdhardy@emory.edu | |
Other: WHSC Library | Aaliyah Robertson arrobe7@emory.edu |